
CTEP offers benefits to your organization, your cross continuum partners and your patients or residents.

CTEP Offers Your Organization…

  • A workforce development strategy that empowers your frontline nursing staff to lead and sustain care transitions initiatives that can be delivered onsite by facility based champions
  • A highly interactive, evidence-based program that improves communication and coordination with cross continuum partners; setting the stage for shared goal setting, standard measurement; and improved quality of care
  • A care transitions initiative that complements organizational efforts to reduce avoidable hospital readmissions and improve quality of care

CTEP Offers Your Cross Continuum Partners…

  • Shared understanding of the critical elements of an effective patient-centered care transition
  • Increased mutual respect for care delivered in all settings
  • Cross continuum quality improvement initiatives focused on improving communications and collaboration

CTEP Offers Your Patients or Residents…

  • Nurses who better understand the patient and family experience during a care transitions
  • Improved communications between nurses from across care settings during times of transition
  • Greater commitment to systems change that will result in improved quality outcomes